Seattle Public Schools


Elementary Mathematics

Elementary Mathematics in SPS

Seattle Public Schools believes in the brilliance of every child. Providing a diversity of learning experiences, sharing a diversity of ideas, 从各种各样的解决方案中学习,让我们所有人都能发现自己的才华,让每个学生都发光发亮.

enVision Mathematics is the K-8 math curriculum used by Seattle Public Schools. Realize is the online platform where students can access digital math materials and assignments. Realize can be accessed through the Clever app on student iPads or laptops. You can also access Clever and tech support at the Student & Family Portal.

About Elementary Mathematics

  1. Learning is a social experience that requires discourse and the use of language to organize thinking.
  2. The development of problem-solving and communication skills is of primary importance in math and in the 21st century.
  3. Mathematical learning results from a struggle to make sense of how we arrive at answers, not from answers themselves. This is often referred to as Productive Struggle.
  4. A variety of strategies and representations in math makes problem-solving more authentic and meaningful to individuals.


We also recognize that the racial stereotypes around math education are persistent.

我们在正规的棋牌平台排行榜的工作是提供文化响应的教学,承认我们有色人种学生的才华, makes math relevant to their lives, 并努力创造一个受欢迎的教室,尊重每个学生为课堂带来的优势.  Practicing two-way communication with families, sharing instructional power with students, developing a growth mindset, 为学生和家庭创造友好的环境是我们正在采取的步骤,以消除白人在课堂上的历史地位. 

我们将不再允许学校里一些最聪明的人在数学领域被边缘化. 有色人种对数学的贡献是巨大的,我们认识到我们的学生将继承这一传统.

Every child is capable of learning mathematics.  Every child should have extensive experience learning the math content of their grade level.  数学不仅仅是快速计算——它是理解大的数学思想, making connections to the world around us, and using mathematical thinking to solve problems.  每个孩子都应该知道他们可以在数学上取得成功,并对自己学习数学的能力充满信心.  数学教室应该是所有学生在一个积极的学习社区中一起学习年级数学的地方.  

Practices that separate, sort, 将孩子们划分为不同的数学能力水平,不利于孩子们数学自信心的培养.  在小学跳过数学(通常被称为“走到数学”)削弱了孩子们对数学理解的基础,并使他们面临着在初中和高中成功学习高等数学的准备不足的风险. 

从幼儿园到五年级的数学学习是精心安排的,每年都在前一年的基础上提供新的学习.   K-5数学中的概念是非常重要的,学生需要时间来正确地学习这些内容.  涉及跳过标准或年级的加速方法会使未来的学习处于危险之中.

Often, 跳跃式学习过分强调计算,减少了孩子们解决问题和进行更深层次数学思考的机会.  SPS does not endorse these practices of skipping ahead in elementary mathematics; instead, SPS赞同所有的孩子都有机会接受挑战,在他们的年级水平上发展他们的数学学习.   By creating a strong foundation in grade-level math learning, 所有的学生将准备解决高等数学课程的机会,早在七年级开始.  Research shows that acceleration beyond grade level math should not occur before 7th grade.  Beginning in 7th grade, SPS提供了一系列加速机会,专注于以更快的速度教授所有内容, rather than skipping math content.

Using enVision, the SPS K-8 math curriculum, every student will experience math learning that is rich, 并且有机会在数学上成长,在更复杂的层面上做数学.  In class, students will be offered opportunities for enrichment, such as extra practice, STEM connections, and individual or group projects.

家庭可能想知道他们的孩子在初中和高中的数学学习进展如何,以及他们是否能够在高中时获得高级课程,如大学先修课程或国际文凭课程.  SPS修订了其数学路径,并实施了新的课程,以提供从七年级开始加速超越年级水平的数学的机会.  These opportunities are open to any student who is interested.

The key components of enVision math lessons are:

Problem-Based Learning – Through problem-based learning, 学生参与丰富的课堂对话,促进成长心态,并导致更深层次的概念理解.

Visual Learning: -课堂上进行视觉学习,教师将关键的数学概念讲得更清楚,从而使学生更容易理解概念.

Guided and Independent Practice – 这是一个机会,让学生尝试他们所学到的新概念和教师支持他们的实践.

Responsive Group Learning – 教师有机会提供更个性化的指导,让学生独立或小组参与不同的活动.

Sharing and Reflection -这是一个回顾一天学习的时间,也是学生们反思自己对成功的感受的时间.

Rigor in math includes a balance of fluency and procedural skills; conceptual understanding; and application. All three aspects should be pursued with “equal intensity.” Students should 

  • know why – have a conceptual understanding of properties and operations, not just memorization.
  • know-how – using procedural skills and fluency to access more complex concepts.
  • know when – to apply correct concepts and procedures and use math flexibly to solve problems.

A strong elementary math education rests on all three pillars:

Conceptual Understanding (why), Procedural Skills & Fluencey (how), Application (when)

Students will work to form habits that make a mathematical mindset.

这些通常被称为数学实践标准,包括:用数学来模拟真实的情况, persevere in solving problems, constructing viable arguments, and critiquing the reasoning of others.

Learning Standards are for all of us: students, principals, community partners, teachers, families, and the public.  它们定义了学生在学习过程中应该知道和能够做的重要事情. 标准确保所有学生享有公平的教育,并促进我们地区学生所受教育内容的一致性.

Our Washington State Math Standards are based on the Common Core of math standards – and are held in common with most of the country (40 out of 50 states, plus Washington DC). 

The Common Core Standards are a set of goals for students at each grade level.  The Common Core is not a curriculum or a set of math problems or a style of teaching.

共同核心州标准采用-美国地图,显示哪些州已经或尚未采用共同核心州标准. Washington state has adopted Common Core State Standards.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜采用的K - 5年级的数学教学材料是enVision Mathematics.

enVision数学是基于项目的学习和信念,学生能够最好地发展数学理解通过讨论, debate, and application to authentic situations.